About Us

Who We Are

Since 1951, The Nature Conservancy has worked to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends.

Two people in a park walk away under green trees
Brooklyn Bridge Park Brooklyn Bridge Park, New York © Kevin Arnold

Our Values

Integrity Beyond Reproach, Respect for People, Communities and Cultures, Commitment to Diversity, One Conservancy, Tangible, Lasting Results

How We Fundraise

Like most major non-profit organizations in Hong Kong and across the globe, TNC employs a variety of fundraising channels to ask for your support in accomplishing our mission — to protect the lands and waters on which all life depends. These fundraising channels include direct mail, face-to-face, special events, our website and social media.

Gentle giants Captive breeding centers like this one in Chengdu are trying to boost the endangered species’ population. © Nick Hall
Our Thriving Planet, Our Beating Hearts In the face of catastrophic climate change and biodiversity loss, the stakes have never been higher. Neither has our ambition to find a way toward a future where people and nature thrive.

Strength In Numbers

We rely on diverse voices and dedicated supporters to achieve unparalleled results.