If you like beer, you should love forests.
Beer is 95% water. And 40% of the world’s usable water comes from forests. Help protect beer’s main ingredient.
Beer Comes From Forests
Beer has four main ingredients: water, grain, hops and yeast. While water may seem like beer’s simplest ingredient, there's a lot involved in getting that clean water to our taps.
Clean, plentiful water depends on healthy surrounding natural areas, like forests. From the tree canopy all the way down to root systems, every part of a forest plays a critical role in cleaning, storing and protecting our water supply. Tree canopies of large forests influence rainfall patterns across the globe. They produce moisture in the atmosphere, known as “rivers in the sky,” that fall as rain locally and thousands of miles away.
Through OktoberForest, we're hoping to raise awareness about the important role forests play in providing clean water, a critical ingredient for quality beer. We're calling on beer lovers across the globe to help us protect beer's main ingredient by supporting forest protection and restoration.
It’s not an obvious connection: beer and forests. But, we hope the next time you enjoy a pint, you give a nod to the trees.

Conservation Update
Ant Forest
Looking over the landscape, the trees are as small as ants but will eventually grow into a forest.