
2023 年攝影比賽得獎者

A group of people stand at the edge of a large, open sandy area. Large holes dot the surface, filled with green and orange water.


乾涸的魚塘 照片攝於香港元朗大生圍。在魚塘乾涸後,可以看到魚類繁殖期所掘下的產卵坑。 © Jeanny Tang/TNC Photo Contest 2023

2024 Photo Contest Exhibition, Hong Kong
大自然保護協會攝影比賽作品展 「NATURE’S CANVAS攝觸自然:『捕捉大自然交響樂』」 © TNC

大自然保護協會 TNC攝影比賽作品展 (08 - 28.04.2024)

「NATURE’S CANVAS攝觸自然:『捕捉大自然交響樂』」

香港國際機場離境大堂,感受大自然的美! 大自然保護協會於2024年4月假香港國際機場舉辦TNC攝影比賽作品展 「NATURE’S CANVAS攝觸自然: 『捕捉大自然交響樂』」,展出TNC 2023全球攝影比賽的獲獎作品,既讚美著大自然世界的和諧與壯麗,同時傳遞保護環境的訊息。展覽更特設「香港作品回顧」專區,精選展示部分香港攝影愛好者過去參賽作品,顯示香港城市的自然美景,提醒公眾珍惜及保護香港的自然環境。

展覽名稱:大自然保護協會TNC攝影比賽作品展「NATURE’S CANVAS攝觸自然:『捕捉大自然交響樂』」(*免費入場)

展覽地點: 香港國際機場一號客運大樓離境大堂第七層登記大堂

展覽日期: 08 - 28.04.2024







Litauszki Tibor, 匈牙利

A newt is silhouetted floating above a large mass of eggs. Light from above is diffused through the opaque eggs.
星際之間 這張照片是我在水下拍攝的。我將相機放進防水盒中,用金屬重物固定好,然後放在那些卵下。我在一旁耐心地等待夜幕降臨,當蠑螈出現時,我以LED照明,然後利用自製的有線遙控器啟動相機拍攝。成功捕捉了1-2 張非常清晰的照片。 © Litauszki Tibor/TNC Photo Contest 2023



Hermis Haridas, 阿拉伯聯合大公國

——名人評審,Cole Sprouse

A bird in flight is silhouetted against a background of light and dark--the golden light of sunrise and a dark stripe of shadow.
曉光細語: 日出時分優雅的戴勝鳥剪影 A Hoopoe took flight with its wings spread in a smooth motion across the canvas of the early-morning sky that was illuminated by the sunrise's bright hues. I saw that this bird would occasionally grab its prey in the air and other times on the ground. Additionally, I observed that each time it caught its prey, it flew in the same direction to a nearby tree.​ © Hermis Haridas/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 空中

Agnieszka Wieczorek, 波蘭

A small community of boxy white building sits like an island surrounded by brilliant golden yellow farm fields.
沉浸在黃色田野 Inspired by yellow colour I decided to take a photo with a drone showing an aerial perspective of a small settlement of the city of Swidnica, Poland, which was built in the middle of a field. In the spring months the buildings are surrounded by beautiful rapeseed fields.​ © Agnieszka Wieczorek/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 空中

Neelutpaul Barua, 印度

Aerial view looking down on a lake. The water is red with a curling ripple of white through the center. Flamingos fly over the lake in a curving flock.
Magadi Airshow The alkaline Lake Magadi provides breathtaking patterns on the surface of the lake to photograph flamingos. Lake Magadi, Kenya 12 Sept, 2023. © Neelutpaul Barua/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 空中

Derek Robertson, 美國

Looking down on a wide creek. The dark water splits the middle of the image, running between snow covered banks.
黑與白 無人機鏡頭下,暴風雪期間紐約索爾茲伯里米爾斯的一條小溪。 © Derek Robertson/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 空中

Maman Sukirman, 印尼

Rectangular fish pens create an abstract geometry on the surface of a lake.
Freshwater Fish Farming Freshwater fish farming area at Lake Balang Tonjong, Antang Village, Manggala District, Makassar. Freshwater fish farming is a form of animal husbandry that produces fish as a source of animal protein that is beneficial for human health.​ © Maman Sukirman/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 空中

Mostafijur Rahman Nasim, 印尼

People and blankets create a brightly colored patchwork on the roof decks of three long boats. A smaller green decked boat floats at an angle behind the larger vessel in the center.
Home bound Bangladesh is a densely populated country. The scenario of public transport changes during Eid festival as people leave Dhaka in over crowded transports. In the photo, huge crowded launches (water vessels) are seen in Sadarghat launch terminal in Dhaka. People took position on the roof of the river trucks. © Mostafijur Rahman Nasim/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 雀鳥

Grzegorz Długosz​, 波蘭

A small bird flies away from a basket shaped nest that dangles from a thin branch. The nest is framed by the greenery of surrounding trees and shrubs.
勤勞的建築師 在波蘭比布爾扎國家公園的沼澤地帶, 一隻攀雀正在建造其獨特的鳥巢。照片捕捉到公鳥正離巢去尋找更多築巢材料以完成建造鳥巢。 © Grzegorz Długosz/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 雀鳥

Mike Krehbiel, 美國

A brown and white bird leaps into the air above the Kansas prairie, folding its wing tips into itself to hide its face.
Peek-a-Boo This lesser prairie chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) image was taken in western Kansas. I was in a blind overlooking a lek on April 1, 2023. It was a cold morning and by the time the activity died down enough to exit the blind I was shivering. I wasn't sure if it was due to the cold or the excitement of getting an opportunity to witness the non-stop activity of the prairie chicken.​ © Mike Krehbiel/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 雀鳥

Juan Jose Murillo​, 哥倫比亞

Barn swallows sit closely together, filling several power lines. The intersecting lines create a pattern with the crosswalks and other painted markings on the road beneath them.
Golondrinas These pretty golondrinas (Hirundo rustica) rest on the power lines. © Juan Jose Murillo/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 雀鳥

Mario Labado​, 美國

A bird with a thing neck and long beak feeds a grub to one of its small, fluffy chicks.
Sandhill Crane mama feeding colts I saw this sandhill crane mama feeding its colts. Taken April 8, 2023 in Gainesville, Florida. © Mario Labado/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 雀鳥

Petr Bambousek​, 捷克共和國​

White birds crowd the sides of a rock outcropping. A long bird is in flight, framed by an opening in the cliff. Waves crash on the rocks in the background.
Gannet Colony The giant cliffs that line the shores of the archipelago are home to a variety of attractive bird species. Probably the most spectacular colonies are those of the northern gannets (Morus bassanus). In this photo I tried to capture as best I could just the unique environment of the terrier colonies with the typical combination of strong winds and rough seas. © Petr Bambousek/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 氣候

Raphael Alves, 巴西

A woman sits at the window of a blue house, holding a baby in her arms. Below her, a young boy looks up at her from the deep water that flows beneath the house.
滯留 Euridice Castro, 33, holds her nephew Otavio, in the window, while her son Aquiles plays in the rising rivers, in Anama, Brazil on May 24, 2021. Anama has been an "amphibian city" for years. Without work, adults stay at home most of the time; children, without classes and without public leisure spaces, are left playing in the flooded areas.​ © Raphael Alves/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 氣候

Mustafa Binol, 土耳其

Mustard yellow fields frame a large fallow field. Hummocks of gray dirt are pushed up at the end of parallel tracks.
Farmland Although this is actually an irrigable land, it became dehydrated due to the decrease in the water level as a result of excessive water use. The vehicle, which has deep well drilling equipment, is about to start work to dig a new and deeper well on the land below, which has become ineffective. We must have water for a healthy future with conscious agriculture.​ © Mustafa Binol/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 氣候

Luisa Lynch Harris, 西班牙

A helicopter drops a bucket of water on a wildfire. A second helicopter turns and flies in the opposite direction. A bird flies in the air between them.
Our Saviors In Tenerife on August 16, 2023 the largest fire in Spain was declared. For days we watched the mountains burn behind our houses. This photo taken from behind my house shows the importance of firefighting services, including helicopters, which were essential to control and extinguish the flames. This photograph was taken from the town of Santa Úrsula on August 27, 2023.​ © Luisa Lynch Harris/TNC Photo Contest 2023

A helicopter drops a bucket of water on a wildfire. A second helicopter turns and flies in the opposite direction. A bird flies in the air between them.

榮譽獎, 氣候

Zhenhuan Zhou, 加拿大

A fence winds and bends up a snow covered hill towards the house sitting atop it.
Peaceful "It looks so peaceful".​ In early February 2022, southern Ontario was hit by the worst snowfall in decades. I captured this photo of a horse farm, which was turned into a winter wonderland by the snowstorm. © Zhenhuan Zhou/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 氣候

Adra Pallón, 西班牙

Four people in fire gear hold a water hose and stand at the edge of a forest. The air is orange and thick with smoke. Bits of ash and debris float in the air around them.
Fire and Ashes Several firemen working directly against the advancing fire in the largest fire in the history of Galicia, Spain, one of the regions with the highest number of forest fires in Europe. After several days the fire was still out of control. According to EFFIS (European Forest Fire Information System) data on fire seasons, 2022 has been the worst year of the century.​ © Adra Pallón/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 淡水

Jeanny Tang, 香港

A group of people stand at the edge of a large, open sandy area. Large holes dot the surface, filled with green and orange water.
乾涸的魚塘 照片攝於香港元朗大生圍。在魚塘乾涸後,可以看到魚類繁殖期所掘下的產卵坑。 © Jeanny Tang/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 淡水

Alan Taylor​, 美國

An elk stands in the middle of a river taking a drink. Tall trees grow over the water casting it in shade.
A Cool Drink A bull elk stopping in the Oconaluftee River in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to a refreshing drink © Alan Taylor/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 淡水

Rubens Rebouças, 巴西

A single tree grows on a small circle of land surrounded by water. The tree is covered with white egrets roosting for the night.
O Pé de Garças A small island with a tree welcomes a flock of herons every evening, who come from far away to rest for the night until they leave again the next morning. The image was taken at a small lagoon in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. © Rubens Rebouças/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 淡水

Jorge Castro Urbiola, 墨西哥

A salamander floats just beneath the surface of the water.
Axolotl (Ambystoma velasci) The beauty of a river monster. In spite of finding water levels well below normal, drought and lack of rain, this salamander may choose to be a salamander and walk away, if the water stress continues. They are organisms highly adapted to natural conditions, I am very impressed. San Luis Potosi, Mexico.​ © Jorge Castro Urbiola/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 淡水

Gianluca Gianferrari​, 義大利

Rows of leafless, white barked birch trees are reflected back in the still water that surrounds them.
Flooding Po is the largest river in Italy. In the past, the floods have always been the cause of great damage and decades ago embankments were built to contain them. Due to climate change, these floods are increasingly rare. During the last flood I took this photo of the semi-submerged birches. I chose a long exposure to get a watercolor effect in the reflection on the water. A warning of nature​. © Gianluca Gianferrari/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 昆蟲及蛛形綱動物

Benjamin Salb, 美國

Close up view of a spider covered in its tiny baby spiders.
狼蛛媽媽 這是一幅由129幀焦點堆疊拍攝而成的狼蛛媽媽及其幼兒的照片。在這夏天的一個清晨,我在一條小徑上遇到了牠,通常預計小蜘蛛會有些許動作, 這可能會破壞疊影效果,幸運地牠們卻非常靜止。 © Benjamin Salb/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 昆蟲及蛛形綱動物

Soumya Ranjan Bhattacharyya​, 印度

A yellow insect stands on top of a fungus as spores curve and disperse in the air around it.
Galaxies at my Feet A yellow leafhopper came and sat on a spore dispersing bracket fungus. It stayed there until the fungul spore dispersal gained pace. I captured this moment inside the moist deciduous forest of Goa in India.​ © Soumya Ranjan Bhattacharyya/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 昆蟲及蛛形綱動物

雷 波 / Lei Bo, 中國

Two butterflies float next to each other, illuminated by a golden light. Long, thin stalks of grass wave around them.
Love Follows Butterflies chasing under the setting sun at Nankun Mountain, Guangzhou, China. © 雷 波/Lei Bo​/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 昆蟲及蛛形綱動物

Tibor Litauszki, 匈牙利

A long shutter exposure shows the flight of a green moth, creating multiple images of the insect as it flies through the air.
A Graceful Flight An antlion flies in the summer night in Hungary's Kiskunság steppe. To show the dynamics of the movement, I chose a long shutter speed. I followed it with an LED light, I set the focus to manual. The flash flashed on the second shutter. Only a few sharp pictures turned out.​ © Litauszki Tibor/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 昆蟲及蛛形綱動物

Jaime Daniel Fajardo Torres​, 厄瓜多爾

A long legged spider hangs suspended from an egg sac spun from its own silk. The round sac seems to glow with a soft golden light.
Terrifying Geometry This is a species of spider known as ogre spiders, of the genus Deinopis. The photograph was taken at night in the middle of a mature forest in northern Ecuador in the tropical rainforest of the Ecuadorian Chocó, a place considered a hotspot. The spider photographed was generating its egg sac with its own web.​ © Jaime Daniel Fajardo Torres/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 陸地

Alessandro Carboni​, 義大利

Tall evergreens and low plants colored red and gold and obscured and softened by a heavy fall of snow.
聲響與視覺的交響 This picture represents one the most intense moments I could remember during my life. It was September, when after a two-week wait I was lucky enough to experience an amazing mix of extraordinary elements, which I will never forget: the impressive display of the autumn colours at their peak and the first snow of the season.​ © Alessandro Carboni/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 陸地

Roberto Valdez​, 厄瓜多爾

A column of steam rises from the snow capped dome of a volcano. Clouds fill the valley between the volcano and the the snow covered glacier in the foreground.
Cotopaxi Volcano from the Antisana Glaciers After several hours of ascending and navigating the vast crevasses of the Antisana volcano's glacier, as the first rays of sunlight began to shine, I spotted the illuminated Cotopaxi in the distance with a massive column of steam rising from it. I carefully positioned myself between crevasses, pulled out my camera, and took the shot with a slow shutter speed, trying my best. © Roberto Valdez/TNC Photo Contest 2023

A column of steam rises from the snow capped dome of a volcano. Clouds fill the valley between the volcano and the the snow covered glacier in the foreground.

季軍, 陸地

Adam Mowery, 美國

Purple and orange colored fruits grow from the flat, prickly scales of a cactus. The face of El Capitan glows in the light of the setting sun.
Fruits of Labor Prickly pear cactus fruits at the base of El Capitan at sunset, Guadalupe National Park, Texas. © Adam Mowery/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 陸地

Cosmin Ovidiu Stan, 羅馬尼亞

An image made in the Apuseni Mountains, mountains that are part of the Western Carpathians. I witnessed a special sunrise seen from Poiana Calineasa towards the Poiana Horea - Belis area. Wild forests under the warm sunlight. The image was made on May 1, 2023.
Dreamland An image made in the Apuseni Mountains, mountains that are part of the Western Carpathians. I witnessed a special sunrise seen from Poiana Calineasa towards the Poiana Horea - Belis area. Wild forests under the warm sunlight. The image was made on May 1, 2023.​ © Cosmin Ovidiu Stan/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 陸地

Bruce Hogle, 美國

A glowing line of fire edges the horizon. Plumes of smoke rise in the orange tinged sky. The fire line is blurred and reflected in the surface of a lake.
Planned Burn at Chase State Fishing Lake This is the late evening on April 17, 2014 with the planned pasture burn creeping along the ridge of the hill at the end of the lake. The evening was cool and got downright chilly by 1:30 AM when we finally quit photographing. Driving back from a ranch outside Elmdale, KS, I spotted the red glow, which looked like there might be a chance it would be reflecting in the lake, and it was!​ © Bruce Hogle/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 哺乳類動物

Siddhartha Ghosh​, 印度

Three wolves leap and play with each other.
三狼共舞 這裡呈現了三隻狼在空中躍動的畫面,展示牠們的熱情和友誼。這猶如定格了了牠們野生本性的一刻。每隻狼都散發著快樂與活力,會因為興奮而流露出閃耀的眼神,顯示出作為一個群體的緊密聯繫。這張圖片提醒我們,這些動物在其自然棲息地中亦有其優雅和可愛的一面。 © Siddhartha Ghosh/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 哺乳類動物

HJ Yang, 美國

A killer whale uses its tale to propel itself out of the shallow surf and onto the beach in pursuit of two small seals.
Morning Attack An orca attacks two seals in the morning on the beach. © HJ Yang/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 哺乳類動物

Luisa Pericoli, 美國

A grizzly bear dries itself by shaking its body. The massive head appears still at the center of a swirling spray of water.
Shaking Off Free yourself. The bear. © Luisa Pericoli/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 哺乳類動物

Bing Lin, 美國

A large, furry brown monkey blends into the background against tall, fuzzy grasses and mist covered green mountains.
Rainy Rendezvous A drenched adult male gelada monkey looks on by the cliff edge in a moment of tranquility during a thunderous rainstorm at Guassa, 12,000 feet above sea level, deep in the  Ethiopian highlands. Incessant downpours in the rainy season often resulted in rain splatters on my camera lens, soaked habitats and lots of wet fur, all pictured here. © Bing Lin/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 海洋

Estebane Rezkallah, 法國

Four dolphins swim beneath the surface of the water in front of a boat. A fifth dolphin bursts out of the water, leaping vertically.
朗伊羅阿歡樂海豚 These dolphins jumped and played in front of our boat as we crossed Rangiroa, the largest of the Tuamotu Atolls and the second largest in the world. The dolphins play in the waves with each ship that passes by. © Estebane Rezkallah/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 海洋

Bambang Wirawan, 印尼

Two men free dive on a coral reef, floating in crystal blue water. One hold a large woven fish trap. The other uses a long grabbing device to catch sea creatures.
Ocean Guard Sea Tribe The sea tribe in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia are wise people; their commitment to protecting the surrounding sea is truly extraordinary. Using simple equipment they catch fish only according to their food needs and the rest they sell in the market. © Bambang Wirawan/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 海洋

Giovanni Allievi, 義大利

A massive wave crashes on the shore, creating a wide curtain of water. The base of the wave is pale green. The white foam spray blends into the low hanging storm clouds.
Rough Sea 12 A sea wave charges towards the shore during a fierce storm. For two decades, I've dedicated myself to documenting the mesmerizing spectacle of ocean waves crashing on the shore. This ongoing project is a visual ode to the sea's enduring allure, a diary of its ever-changing moods. Varigotti, Italy. © Giovanni Allievi/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 人與大自然

Michael Hegyi, 美國

A group of six wildebeest are dwarfed by the enormous orange and yellow hot air balloon that gently deflates on the short grass of the savanna.
野生角馬的熱氣球早餐之旅 照片攝於2018年7月 Maasai Mara國家公園。一小群藍色角馬 (Connochaetes taurinus) 從遠處觀看熱氣球在肯亞Maassai Mara國家公園降落, 遊客們陸續下車,隨後熱氣球開始放氣。 © Michael Hegyi/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 人與大自然

Mano Aliczki, 匈牙利

A tall wading bird with a thin beak is visible between the legs of a man as he walks by in an urban park.
Walking Over Wildlife A gray heron (Ardea cinerea) perches in a pond in an urban park in Budapest, Hungary as people walk by; the bird went unnoticed by most of the passers-by, just as we often do not generally notice the creatures living around us in the city. However, we do not need to leave the city to meet wildlife. If we slow down, we can see how many living creatures we share our habitat with. © Mano Aliczki/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 人與大自然

Randall Hudson, 美國

A woman sits on a sofa, her face softly illuminated by the glow of her tablet screen. A thick bolt of lightening is visible through the open door, splitting the gray sky.
Startled! Lightning evokes a primal response at a motel along the northern shore of Lake Superior. © Randall Hudson/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 人與大自然

Narayan Malu, 印度

Two male tigers face each other, standing on their hind legs as they spar. A crowd of tourists watch then from four open topped safari jeeps parked close by.
Fighter Jets I was lucky to capture these two male tigers fighting in the air. Taken in Tadoba Tiger Reserve, India​. © Narayan Malu/TNC Photo Contest 2023​

榮譽獎, 人與大自然

Fatih Yilmaz, 土耳其

A large flock of sheep curve up a mountain path, kicking up a thick cloud of dust that glows golden in the sunlight.
Dusty Ride In Anatolia, Turkey, people engage in animal husbandry for their livelihood. After a harsh winter, the valleys overflow with lush grass, but it is not easy to reach this food source in rough terrain. The shepherds and their flocks, who walk 10 km every day to the foot of Mount Nemrut, leave behind a dusty story of their journey. © Fatih YILMAZ/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 人與大自然

Md. Safayet Hossain Shanto, 孟加拉

A man sits in a canoe as it floats through a dense mangrove forest. Blue plastic crates hold guavas for sale.
Floating Guava Market The floating guava vendor collects and sells his fruit by boat; the guava market is crowded every year during monsoon. The vendor’s income goes to support his family, including education for boys and girls. Atghar Kuriana, Swarupkathi, Barishal, Bangladesh. © Md. Safayet Hossain Shanto/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 植物及菌類

Jose Pereyra Lucena​, 阿根廷

A large cactus reaches up to the sky like a human hand against a night sky of brilliant stars. Snow capped mountain peaks line the horizon.
瘋狂的仙人掌 El Cardón, venerated by the native peoples of northwestern Argentina, surrounded by myths and legends. It is impossible not to be absorbed by its strange beauty. A direct shot on a winter moonlit night.​ Province of Salta, Argentina, 2021 © Jose Pereyra Lucena/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 植物及菌類

Vittorio Ricci, 義大利

A lone conifer tree is dwarfed by the vast expanse of drifting snow around it.
Lost in Snow Waves A lonely conifer tree in Dolomites highlands in winter time, Fanes-Sennes-Braies Regional Natural Park, Italy. © Vittorio Ricci/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 植物及菌類

Ashley Sykes, 澳洲

White capped mushrooms with glowing green gills grow from the side of a log.
Ghost Mushrooms This is a group of ghost mushrooms, Omphalotus nidiformis. They grow and then disappear quickly on warm nights after a few rainy days, particularly on rotting and decaying tree stumps in coastal forests. This clump I photographed was in a coastal woodland area in Gerroa, New South Wales, Australia. March 21, 2022.​ © Ashley Sykes/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 植物及菌類

Gero Heine, 美國

Burn scars revealing lines and curves of lodge pole pines broken up by patches of quaking aspens in fall color display form an almost abstract pattern. I took this image in Northwest Glacier National Park with a medium telephoto lens to "flatten" the scene to let the peripheral vision wander.
Bright yellow patches of quaking aspen trees are broken by curving stands of lodge pole pines. Burn scars reveal lines and curves of lodge pole pines, broken up by patches of quaking aspens in their fall color display, forming an almost abstract pattern. I took this image in northwest Glacier National Park with a medium telephoto lens to "flatten" the scene to let the peripheral vision wander.​ © Gero Heine/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 植物及菌類

Mohammed Salman, 印度

A group of ten mushrooms of varying heights, growing in a row against a black background. White gills peek out beneath brilliant orange caps.
Orange Mushrooms Orange mushrooms growing out of a dead bark on the forest floor, fruiting bodies of delicate fungi. © Mohammed Salman/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 爬蟲類及兩棲動物

Irina Petrova Adamatzky​, 英國

A snake's head outlined in glowing blue neon, colors created by placing the snake under ultraviolet light.
外星肖像 這張照片以獨特的手法,透過紫外光照射,捕捉了玉米蛇(Pantherophis guttatus) 複雜的皮膚紋理。科學研究已證實, 蛇皮在紫外光下會發光, 這一現象自20世紀末以來便被爬蟲學家用來在黑暗中尋找蛇蹤。 © Irina Petrova Adamatzky/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 爬蟲類及兩棲動物

Petr Bambousek, 捷克共和國

A small yellow frog sits on the end of a bird-of-paradise plant. A light in the background creates a diffused glow behind the frog.
Hourglass Frog (Dendropsophus ebraccatus) I found this beautiful frog resting at the edge of a flower in the garden of my hotel in Costa Rica. I used the decorative lights from the opposite building as background, and a subtle diffused flash to lighten the frog. EXIF: OM System OM-1, OM System 90mm/3.5 IS, ISO 640, f/3.5, 1/40s, tripod, diffused flash​. © Petr Bambousek/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 爬蟲類及兩棲動物

Joseph Mullica, 美國

A red, yellow and black striped snake crawls headfirst down a pine tree.
Scarlet Kingsnake A scarlet kingsnake (Lampropeltis elapsoides) climbing down a pine tree presumably hunting lizards at dusk. © Joseph Mullica/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 爬蟲類及兩棲動物

Sergio Emmanuel Comisso, 阿根廷

A small toad sits in a pool of light, bright against a black background. The toad's image with its bulging white throat is reflected in the water.
El Cantante This common toad sings in his pond to attract females, and at the same time, warn his opponents that the pond belongs to him, through the waves generated by the vibrations caused by his throat. Cordoba, Argentina. © Sergio Emmanuel Comisso/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 爬蟲類及兩棲動物

Christian Passeri, 德國

An African bullfrog attacks a rival in an attempt to defend its mating territory. These big frogs congregate in shallow waters during rain season, where they fight in order to be able to mate with the females. During the few hours I spent observing them, the dominant male, as seen in the picture, was defending the middle of the water puddle from all his rivals, attacking them one by one.
Attack An African bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) attacks a rival in an attempt to defend its mating territory. These big frogs congregate in shallow waters during rain season, where they fight in order to be able to mate with the females. During the few hours I spent observing them, the dominant male, as seen in the picture, was defending the middle of the water puddle from all his rivals, attacking them one by one.​ © Christian Passeri/TNC Photo Contest 2023




冠軍, 水底生物

Russell Laman, 美國

Sea nettles float through murky water trailing long, stinging tentacles.
漂流幽靈 太平洋黄金水母 (Chrysaora fuscescens) 在加州蒙特里海域的混濁海水中成群結隊。照片攝於2021年8月。 © Russell Laman/TNC Photo Contest 2023

亞軍, 水底生物

Cai Jialing, 中國

A large red eye peeks out from beneath the shell of a nautilus. Tiny particles in the water column reflect light, creating the impression of snowfall under water.
Snowy Night Following the Taal Volcano eruption in the Philippines in early 2020, ocean sediments were stirred up into the water column. During a blackwater dive in Batangas Bay, I encountered a female paper nautilus hitchhiking on floating debris. The particles around it reflected my flashlight, resembling falling snowflakes. Rather than depicting post-disaster chaos, the scene created a serene fairytale. © Cai Jialing/TNC Photo Contest 2023

季軍, 水底生物

Daniel Nicholson, 澳洲

A shark punches a hole through an enormous, tightly packed baitball of fish as it hunts for a meal.
Parting the Tide A grey reef shark parts the tide of a bait ball in the shallows of the Ningaloo Reef. This was a once in a lifetime experience, as millions of small fish were gathered together and forced into the narrow alleys of a shallow coral reef by hunting predators. This photo was taken inside the baitball, as a shark burst out, hunting its next mouthful of fish. © Daniel Nicholson/TNC Photo Contest 2023

榮譽獎, 水底生物

Juan Carlos Huitrón Baca, 墨西哥

Close view of the surface of a coral. Orange ridges are covered with bright green scales.
Living Texture Macro photo of a hard coral of the genus Mycetophyllia. Guatemala is not well known for its coral reefs and yet they have very interesting corals around Cabo Tres Puntas. This coral was found at 12 meters depth.​ Cabo Tres Puntas, Guatemala, March 2023. © Juan Carlos Huitrón Baca/TNC Photo Contest 2023

